7. Funding - Implementation

MINOS Programme is co-funded by the LIFE-Environment Programme of the DG Environment of the European Union.

MINOS Programme is materialized by the Pharmacognosia Department of the Pharmaceutical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (scientific responsible – project manager: Professor L. Skaltsounis, tel.: +30-210-7274598, fax: +30-210-7274594, e-mail: skaltsounis@pharm.uoa.gr), the ÔÅÉ of Crete, the “GAIA” Research Center of the Goulandris Natural History Museum, the environmental consulting firm TERRA NOVA  and the University of Crete.

Part of the Programme is co-funded by the Rouva Municipality, the Region of Crete, the Gergeri Agricultural Cooperative and the Heraklion Prefecture